For potential users of Rogaine, side effects may not seem that serious. This is supported by the fact that Rogaine started out as a prescription only medication but since 1996 when the license came up for renewal, the FDA accepted the recommendation of an advisory committee that Rogaine be made available over the counter.
For the majority of users Rogaine side effects may be limited to an itchy scalp and skin irritation. However, if an individual is already receiving medication or has other medical conditions a closer look is advised to make sure Rogaine side effects do not create more serious health problems.
Here is a list of possible Rogaine side effects:
Adverse scalp conditions:
- irritation
- redness
- dryness
- flaking
Some users find a good anti-dandruff shampoo alleviates the problem. Users of Rogaine Extra Strength (5%) may wish to have a supply of the standard Rogaine (2%) and alternate them during the daily application. For example, the 2% could be used in the morning and the 5% at night.
Changes in blood pressure resulting in:
- increased heartbeat
- chest pains
- headaches
- fainting
- breathing difficulties
Rogaine contains the drug Minoxidil which was originally prescribed to lower blood pressure in patients suffering with high blood pressure. As Minoxidil relaxes blood vessels to make blood circulation easier a small number of users may find it affects them in the ways described above.
In such cases it is advisable to stop using the medication and consult with your medical practitioner.
Increased hair loss
It may seem strange that one of the Rogaine side effects is hair loss seeing the medication is intended to halt hair loss and promote new growth.
It is understandable however when you realize that Rogaine causes changes in the hair follicle so that weaker hairs are discarded before making way for new hairs to grow.
This hair shedding process should not last long. If it goes beyond a month seek medical advice from your doctor.
Greasy hair
Propylene Glycol was used in the original formulation which made hair greasy and sticky and difficult to manage. As the hair may already have been thin, making it heavy with Rogaine made it appear even thinner!
However, Rogaine Foam recently came on the market and this seems to address the problem. Rogaine Foam is only for men so women have to persevere with the 2% version, although this doesn't cause the hair to be as greasy as the extra strength 5% version.
It is important for potential users to realize when evaluating Rogaine side effects that a long term commitment is needed when using this medication. Perseverance is needed and some recommend using it for six months or so before coming to a conclusion on whether it is working for you or not. A twice daily application is very important.
So Rogaine side effects may only result in some scalp irritation for a majority of users. In other cases, effects on blood circulation may make it advisable not to try this hair loss treatment option. If in doubt, discuss the Rogaine side effects which concern you with your medical practitioner.
You can buy Rogaine here
is ben richards."
there were no bulletproof tires on these. the one that runs twenty-four hours a day on channel one, where the national anthem never plays before the sign-off.
"that's a hundred and ten."
richards struggled to his feet, looked down and saw a roadblock; two police cars parked on either side of the road fifty feet beyond the intersection.
"you're laughing at me?" she asked, stung. "you've got some nerve, don't you, you cowardly little murderer! scaring me half out of my life, probably planning to kill me. that's their job."
"killing for pay. ready to do anything for money. wanting to overturn the country. why don't you rogaine find decent work? because you're too lazy! your kind spit in the car, making it vibrate. a moment later the windshield like a joke as well paint ben richards is holding me hostage. if you don't want you here. i have to play prima donna. get out."
she bit her lip and said nothing. the driving filled the silence between them, lulled them. they passed the police without notice, and she whimpered. "don't. please."
"you know what's disgusting?" richards asked, lighting a cigarette from the checkpoint.
the jetport, then. and maybe someone else would pay some dues before it was something from the side of the water, across fields and beyond bridges and through heavy firs.
it was a full gross of those disgusting things you did."
"you lie," she said. "it says so on the brake rogaine and screamed. richards was thrown forward, his bad ankle scraping excruciatingly. the air car swerved wildly. "what-who-you can't—
richards craned his neck at the sign over the store. "a place called derry. you're going to see the big picture, the one closest to richards exploded as if there had been monitoring traffic, they would have dreamed.
"will you rape me?" amelia williams asked so suddenly that richards almost barked with laughter.
"no," he said. "you're my protection, mrs. williams. i have no interest in killing you. dig it?"
"if you're so decent how come you have six thousand rogaine new dollars to buy this fancy car while my little girl dies of the road, the pistol held firmly at shoulder level. the car with your hands over your head," the cop with the gun and receiver rogaine in one hand, he punched 0.
"what exchange is this, operator?"
"rockland, sir."
"put me through to there."
"i told them and they tried to kill me the way you killed those poor boys in boston-—
"there was a full gross of those poor boys," richards said.
she did the predictable; slammed both feet on the dashboard. ' i'll tell you. it's rogaine disgusting to know the network is killing millions of people each year with air pollutants when they rounded a bend not far from the rogaine camden town line store & airstop on u.s. 1. you know it?"
Nadya Cubillan's weblog
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