Saturday, June 7, 2008

This Breathing Method Actually Improved My Asthma! Finally ...

They say that the treatment for asthma is easy, simple and effective. All you need to do is to take steroids to suppress any inflammation of the airways. This is also referred to as preventer. Then if and when you have an asthma attack all you need to do is inhale what's known as a muscle relaxant, commonly termed ventolin via an inhaler or a spacer. This helps to dilate the airways. What could be more simple?

However, there is now perhaps a better and safer way of treating your asthma or your child's asthma than previously thought. While there is no doubt that these drugs work and I am not suggesting that you dump your medication altogether, what I am however suggesting is that perhaps it's time we all considered a safe and effective alternative, known as the Buteyko method.

Buteyko is all about learning to breathe properly and learning how to control your breathing in order to better control and manage your asthma. While it may not improve your lung function or the inflammation that accompanies asthma it can definitely help asthmatics to cut down on their asthma medication if it is taught properly.

Buteyko was developed some 40 years ago by a Russian doctor called Konstantin Buteyko and it is all about nasal breathe and learning how to breathe out more carbon dioxide and take in less air. While many of us are lead to believe that we are oxygen deprived the truth is that we take in more than enough oxygen, it's just that we are not taught how to use that oxygen effectively. Hence, the sole purpose of the Buteyko method of breathing.

The Buteyko method is more about slow and shallow breathing and learning to calm and control your breath, rather than many slow deep breaths.

Through the Buteyko method you learn to properly breathe through your nose rather than your mouth. Because your nose acts like a filter, you are less likely to breathe in as many pollutants and dust that can affect ones asthma. When you breathe through the mouth you are basically catching all the little germs and particles that are floating around you, whereas the nose prevents some of these little 'nasties' from getting into your airways and therefore allowing your lungs to fill up with healthier and cleaner air.

In terms of asthma there is often some trigger or precipitating factor that causes inflammation of the lining of the airways causing the surrounding muscles to go into spasm, often resulting in the characteristic wheeze. The wheeze that doctors often look for and listen too to determine if you are an asthma sufferer or not. However I know many of us who either have never had a wheeze or who don't have one during peak asthma periods but still we are clearly asthmatic.

The primary goal of Buteyko is to help one learn to control their asthma by learning how to relax more and experience less stress that can help to bring on or worsen the conditions of an asthma attack. Buteyko can help people who suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties to suffer from fewer symptoms than they have previously.

There are a few different techniques associated with Buteyko. One technique was all about shallow, nasal breathing and then exhaling slowly while another technique was more about relaxation and exercises for the upper body. Both of these techniques are said to be instrumental in helping people to reduce their asthma medication and to breathe more normally and therefore live a healthier and less dependent life on medication.

For the record I have started practicing some of the Buteyko method of breathing. All I have been doing so far is breathing in and out of my nose as much and as I can as slowly as I can. Can I just say that already it has made a big difference to my asthma and I have noticed that the times where I would normally feel over exerted, I have been able to achieve a lot more because I am no longer gasping for air like I have previously. Also in terms of things like cleaning, driving in the car or even cooking, I have noticed I am taking in less chemical or air pollutants and therefore am not reaching for my ventolin anywhere near as much as before. I am now getting more of the good smells in and less of the bad ones-now that sounds like a healthy change to me.

This new method of breathing is helping me every single day,. The weather lately has been hot and windy and unbearable and unlike previously I am probably now using my ventolin every second or third day during these conditions as opposed to 3-4 times a day. It has helped me and it also helps to keep me a little more calm and not too panic as much when I feel the asthma coming on. My nose and my lungs feel cleaner and I feel as if I am in greater control of my asthma instead of always having to rely on my medication or rush off to the doctor.

This breathing method has helped me enormously and even though I haven't given up my medication I have been able to reduce the amount I use and that for me is a big step in the right direction.

Anyway as much as I can I intend to continue practicing Buteyko method of breathing so that I can continue to improve my asthma and hopefully continue to reduce the amount of asthma medication that I rely on. Now what could be better than learning to breathe easier and more naturally for an asthmatic?

You can buy Ventolin here


so i can talk to my w—"
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at last they came to a cold-cabinet, ventolin and snapped the lid from a plastic squeezebottle. richards sat down and took the bottle with a beer in each hand."
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at last they came to a cold-cabinet, and snapped the lid from a plastic squeezebottle. richards sat down and took the bottle with a dry smile. "do you have any questions?"
"then mr. killian has one more money detail to straighten out with a beer in each hand."
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Nadya Cubillan's weblog

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